On July 7th, 2014, Kyle Seitz was on the way to work and had his 15-month-old son Benjamin in the back seat of the car. However, Kyle did not veer off a turn towards child day care that morning. He was so in tuned to his habit of heading to work, that he had left his 15-month-old son in the vehicle after reaching his work place. It was a hot summer day with mid-day temperature soaring around 88 ̊ F (31 ̊C). According to police report, little Benjamin Seitz was not discovered until his father Kyle Seitz went to the day care at 6pm to pick him up. Benjamin was found lifeless in the backseat of the car and had already passed away due to Pediatric Vehicular Heatstroke (PVH). Little Benjamin’s death counted the nineteenth PVH (aka Hot Car Death) incident case for that year.
The consequences of his actions led to countless hours of media attention, endless visits by Department of Childcare Services personnel, and numerous unknown threatening phone calls and emails. Against all odds, the couple continued to stay together as they still have two other daughters. More importantly, according to the wife Lindsey Rogers-Seitz, the two most important reasons as human beings are love and forgiveness.
Undoubtfully, to any mother or human being, it would be easy to leave Kyle Seitz for what he had done. However, this courageous couple picked up the pieces of what were left in their lives, and started a blog in order to remind others what they had learned that terrible day. From editor’s point of view, as a father myself, I cannot imagine what would be like to live in Kyle Seitz’s life after that day. We have covered the consequences of “guilt” on January 14th 2022 posting, and this could certainly consume someone psychologically.
Love and forgiveness do not certainly mean forgetting what happened to little Benjamin Seitz. It means giving unconditional mutual support, and continue to live their lives to provide for their two daughters. It signifies a new chapter of life for them where helping others may certainly bring back just a little bit of solace in their hearts. It gives new hope for the future in which they have learnt their lesson from that tragic day. As Lindsey Rogers-Seitz perfectly said during an interview: about that day, “It is much easier to forgive and love others, than to forgive and love yourself”. Never under-estimate how we, as human beings, act in any given moment of any given day. We cannot take anything for granted, especially when lives are at stake. The idea of “it will never happen to me” proved so many people were wrong. This is why we, The Rocket Innovation, set out two years ago to realize our innovative product, Baby Car Safe kit, to save lives and stop tragedies. With our intention to continue to look for beta testers, we cannot stress on the importance of making our beta version a production model available as soon as possible.
Each time a Pediatric Vehicular Heatstroke happens, we often wonder what if the affected family had the Baby Car Safe kit, how different the outcome would be?
We urge everyone to continue support us and sign up to be our beta tester @ https://babycarsafe.com/betaappform/ Let us be part of a bigger picture and try to do good to this world: develop technology to save lives and make this world a better place!