Essential Tips for Keeping Your Kids Safe Around Cars – With BCS Vehicle Smart Device

Parents, ensuring the safety of your adventurous little ones is paramount, especially when they’re drawn to explore everything around them.

We were reminded of the critical nature of this vigilance by a tragic incident in Scranton, Kansas. On July 31, 2022, a two-year-old boy tragically lost his life after accidentally locking himself in a hot car, with temperatures that day reaching highs. Additional facts presented later by National weather service, the temperature on that day soared to 90̊ F (32̊ C) with a heat index of 101̊ F (38.3̊ C) for the city of Topeka, which was located only a few miles from where the incident occurred.

At The Rocket Innovation, we understand these dangers. Our BCS Vehicle Smart Device is designed to make cars smarter and safer, offering an added layer of security for situations just like this. While no technology can replace vigilant parenting, BCS can provide crucial assistance.

According to, 26% of hot car deaths between 1990-2021 occurred because children gained access to vehicles on their own. That’s 236 lives that could have been saved.

So, what steps can we take?

Double-Check Your Car: Always ensure it’s locked and that children haven’t climbed back in unnoticed.

Educate Your Kids: Teach them about the dangers of playing in or around cars.

Secure Your Keys: Keep car keys out of reach to prevent curious kids from accessing your vehicle.

Leverage Smart Technology: Consider tools like the BCS Vehicle Smart Device for an additional safety net.

Together, we can create a safer environment for our children. While we champion proactive teaching and vigilance, products like our BCS Vehicle Smart Device can offer critical support in preventing such heartbreaking incidents.

Stay safe and be proactive in child safety.

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