Parent of a Child

“The amazing thing about becoming a parent is that you will never again be your own first priority.” – Olivia Wilde (American actress, filmmaker, and a mother of two children).

After we become parents, we can never prioritize or think anything else first than our babies, for they take precedence over all things in existence.  Actions or thoughts that interfere with this may result in catastrophic consequences, as shown in cases occurred in pediatric vehicular heatstroke (PVH).  

The human brain is considered by far the most complex object in the universe.  It holds around 100 billion neurons with information created in around 50 to 100 milliseconds per action (1/50 of a second to 1/100 of a second), thus, we cannot afford to forget our dearest no matter where they are or what they are doing (  We now live in a complex world where we constantly multi-task in our everyday life.  Any new memories we create or replace, and any old memories we have stored, we simply cannot interfere with the following imprinted in our brain: our babies are what we live for; our babies are our top priority, above all else.

Retroactive interference happens when newly acquired information interferes with old memories.  Proactive interference occurs when previously learned information makes it more difficult to form new memories.